Submission Process
Members may submit up to three images, per division, per round (6 images max/round). Our club selection committee selects 6 images in each division to represent the club in each round. No more than one image per photographer can be submitted to PSA for each division. Images not selected for a current round will be considered for future rounds. However, once an image is selected and submitted to PSA for scoring it cannot be resubmitted for any future competition in any division. Annual image submissions can be viewed in the website Gallery (see menu at the top of the webpage).
Your images must conform to the following size and naming conventions to be considered.
1. PSA image specs:
a. Images must be JPG format/sRGB color space.
b. Images shall be sized to a maximum of 1920 pixels on the long side and 1080 pixels on the short side.
c. Square images are to be a maximum of 1080 X 1080 pixels.
d. Please resize your images accordingly. DPI is not a concern.
2. Rename your images: LastName_FirstName_Image Title, e.g. Smith_John_A Beautiful Day
* Register your participation through the event calendar. You can register for both divisions at once or separately.
* Upload your images to the club's Dropbox folder for the correct competition division. Links for uploading images will be included in your registration confirmation.
Detailed instructions will be provided after you register.