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HomeCompetitions 2024-25

PSA Competitions

The LVPC has the chance to compete against national and international clubs as members of the Photographic Society of America (PSA).  We have proudly received top awards as a club and so have member for individual images!

There are three rounds per year.  The LVPC will compete in 2 divisions of PSA competition: Nature and Projected Image Division (PID) Color.  We are allowed to submit up to 6 images in each division, for each round.  Therefore, the LVPC can submit a maximum 12 images, per round. We are competing in group A, the highest level, in both divisions.  

Members are invited to submit up to 3 images for each division for consideration. A selection panel from the club will make the final determination of which images will go on to PSA for judging. The selection process is based on image quality, story, and the photographer's observation of the PSA rules for the division.

Photographers may compete with only ONE club during a competition season.  If you are competing with the LVPC you cannot submit images with any other organization.

Congratulations 2024/25 Round 1 Award Winner Wayne Kliewer

PSA 2024-25 RD1 Award

PSA Interclub Division Definitions and Allowable Editing:

Image Creation and Authorship 

In all sections of an exhibition, images must originate as photographs made by the entrant. Entrants may not incorporate images or image elements authored by anyone else (for example textures, replacement skies, clipart or stock images), and there is zero tolerance for plagiarism. Editing or alteration of images is only permitted within the limits specified in the division definitions.
Statement on Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

Images created by image creation software (frequently called “AI” images) are not allowed in. Any person submitting an AI generated image (in whole or in part) that does not begin with a photograph from the maker shall be prohibited from Interclub. 

Statement on Subject Matter - applicable to all sections
The fundamental rule that must be observed at all times and applies to all sections offered in exhibitions with PSA recognition is that the welfare of living creatures is more important than any photograph. This means that practices such as baiting of subjects with a living creature and removal of birds from nests, for the purpose of obtaining a photograph, are highly unethical, and such photographs are not allowed in any exhibition with PSA recognition. Under no circumstances may a living creature be placed in a situation where it will be killed, injured or stressed for the purpose of obtaining a photograph. Images that show live creatures being fed to captive animals, birds or reptiles are not permitted under any circumstances. 

There are also concerns about the use of aerial photography, using drones, helicopters, or low flying aircraft. These should not cause any interference with other individuals or animals which causes a disturbance in their normal activity or disrupts the way any individual or animal interacts with their environment.  Entrants in PSA recognized exhibitions should comply with all relevant laws and regulations associated with aerial photography in the country in which the image was taken. 

Nature Division:

Nature Scoring Guide 2024/25

The Nature Scoring Guide 2024-2025
 provides the Nature Definition, which includes wildlife, and gives participants a glimpse at how images are judged and scored (see pages 3 and 4 of the guide). 

Pictorial Image Division (PID):

PID includes open or general subject photography. There are no limitations on subject matter or techniques used for image capture or post processing other than the restrictions described in the PSA Statements on Artificial Intelligence, Image Creation and Authorship, and Subject Matter, which apply to all divisions. These restrictions include prohibited image elements not authored by the entrant (for example textures, replacement skies from third party software, clipart or stock images).

There are no border restrictions in the PID Color or Monochrome Division. Both Color and Monochrome have unrestricted subject content in Interclub and may include many types of photography including creative, set ups, and composite images. Nudes are allowed but must be in good taste since Interclub uses a public website for awards.  Such determination is decided by the PSA Interclub Director and committee.

PSA Color Definition 

The Image category for PID color must be a color image.  A greyscale or multi-colored image modified or giving the impression of having been modified by partial toning, multi toning or by the inclusion of spot color on a monochrome image is considered a Color Image.

- PSA Guides for PID Photographers:  PID Scoring Guide 2024/25

Submission Process

Members may submit up to three images, per division, per round (12 images max/round).  Our club selection committee selects 6 images in each division to represent the club in each round.  No more than one image per photographer can be submitted to PSA for each division.  Images not selected for a current round will be considered for future rounds.  However, once an image is selected and submitted to PSA for scoring it cannot be resubmitted for any future competition in any division.  Annual image submissions can be viewed in the website Gallery (see menu at the top of the webpage). 

Your images must conform to the following size and naming conventions to be considered.

1.  PSA image specs:
     a.  Images must be JPG format/sRGB color space.
     b.  Images shall be sized to a maximum of 1920 pixels on the long side and 1080 pixels on the short side.
     c.  Square images are to be a maximum of 1080 X 1080 pixels.
     d.  Please resize your images accordingly. DPI is not a concern. 

2.  Rename your images:  LastName_FirstName_Image Title, e.g. Smith_John_A Beautiful Day

* Register your participation through the event calendar. You can register for both divisions at once or separately.
* Upload your images to the club's Dropbox folder for the correct competition division.  Links for uploading images will be included in your registration confirmation.

Detailed instructions will be provided after you register.

PSA Submission Deadlines for 2024-25

Competition Round 1 - Due November 1, 2024

Competition Round 2 - Due February 1, 2025

Competition Round 3 - Due April 1, 2025

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