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HomeEvent Liability Waiver & Agreement

LVPC Event Liability Waiver and  Agreement
September, 2024

I voluntarily agree to participate in this LVPC event, and I understand and assume all of the risks of my participation in this LVPC event.

I agree to take all reasonable safety precautions with respect to my participation in this event and to comply with all safety measures initiated by LVPC and the host facility and with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of any public authority for the safety of persons or property.  I recognize that my participation in this event may involve risks associated with: travel to and from the event location; physically demanding activity over wet, slippery, or rough terrain; and the potential reckless conduct of other participants, LVPC Members, and non-members. I recognize that there may be risks that are not known to me or not reasonably foreseeable at this time.

I agree to assume all of the aforementioned risks and accept sole responsibility for any damages that may result from any expense, liability, illness, injury, disability, or death in connection with attendance of the event.  I recognize that such risks may result from not only my own actions, but also from the action, inaction, or negligence of other Members or non-members, the regulations of participation, the conditions of event premises, or any equipment used during the event.

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless LVPC, its Board of Directors, Officers, Members, representatives, and agents from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, recoveries, judgments, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) in connection therewith on account of the life, property, or injury or damage to the person, body, or property of any person or persons whatsoever, which shall arise from or result directly or indirectly from my participation in this event.  

In the event of injury or emergency, I hereby grant LVPC and any of its Directors, Officers, representatives, and agents full authority to take whatever action they consider to be warranted regarding my health and safety, and I fully release all of them from any liability for such actions taken on my behalf.

I agree that I will not attend this event if I have experienced any symptoms of a known or suspected communicable disease or virus, including COVID-19, or if I am aware or believe that I have been directly exposed to any communicable disease within ten (10) days prior to this event. I will not attend this event if I have tested positive for COVID-19 or any other communicable disease within the last ten (10) days.

I authorize and consent to LVPC to photograph, video record or audio record me.  I understand that any such photograph, video, or audio recording belongs to LVPC.  I grant an irrevocable right to LVPC to display the photographs video, and/or audio taken of me for use in marketing, promotional, or informational materials and communications in any form or medium now existing or developed in the future.  I understand that I will not receive any monetary compensation for such use.  

I agree that LVPC shall have the right, at its discretion, to enforce established rules of conduct and/or terminate my participation in this event for failure to act in conformance with these rules, or for actions or conduct harmful LVPC, event participants, and the public at large.

I am at least eighteen (18) years old and I have read this Waiver and agree to the terms and conditions set forth herein.